南通opairinterface e310-opairinterface e310

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opairinterface e310,opairinterface e310,opairinterface e310

关于opairinterface e310内容导航:

1、opairinterface e310

OpAirInterface (OAI) is an op source software project tt provides a complete end-to-end software suite for 4G/5G mobile networks. It is developed by the Eurecom OpAirInterface Software Alliance (OAI-SA) and is used by research and academic institutions, as well as industry partners, to develop and test new mobile network technologies. OAI provides a comprehensive set of tools and libraries for the development of 4G/5G mobile networks, including the eNodeB, the core network, and the user equipment. It also provides a comprehensive set of APIs for the development of applications and services on top of the mobile network. OAI is based on the 3GPP Release 10 and Release 11 standards and is compliant with the 3GPP Release 12 and Release 13 standards. OAI is available for the E-UTRA (LTE) and the 5G NR (New Radio) air interfaces.
opairinterface e310

2、opairinterface e310

3、opairinterface e310

opairinterface e310


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