
编辑整理:整理来源:360问答,浏览量:94,时间:2023-02-24 09:00:02




# Copyright (C) 2016 Eurecom
# Author:
# This work was partially supported by the European Commission in terms of the
# EU H2020 project 5G-PPP (5G Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership)
# under grant number 761699.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library

# This script is used to build the opairinterfacee310 library



The boys enjoyed flying kites in the op air
英 [ˈflaɪɪŋ] 美 [ˈflaɪɪŋ]
op air
英 [ˈəupən eə(r)] 美 [ˈopən er]


你可以用Amari LTE 100和USRP X300/310的组合,或者使用开源项目OpAirInterface代替Amarisoft(20150813更新)。Amari LTE是bellard大神的杰作,用纯软件实现了LTE Enode B,价格嘛,我问过,4500欧。X300是3900刀,310是4800刀。还有个问题就是要向政府部门申请一个临时频段。






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