原创,时间:2022-12-18 22:33:07
Risk response

With the development 来自of market
economy, the social audit scope gr
adually expanded, people increasin著考gly high expe
ctations of the audit,
做装总官理女非张屋实外the audit occupation responsibility is also growing.
Nearly two years of natio
究海飞背尽断频九叫nal audit to strik
e out, repeatedly exposed a number of important economic fields, to purify economic o
rder has played
a certain role, but due to China's a
名婷赵uditing s
ystem was established la
个员件原束难ter, audit de
partment is also the government super
vision organization form in the reform and o殖零专穿pening up polic
y background, have certain a
华早充井打阻破dministrative au
太资thority, long-term since, p
eople on the national a
转探欢望udit risk awareness, but no
t enough attention, and even some people 千教久反赶细汽差操mistakenly think that, the national audi
斯t risk. In fact, due to ownership diversification, diver
围宪化世兵计吧令效实sification of the
income distribution system, a se
粉补欢反呼rious distortion of acc
ounting information, loca
l protectionism aggravate
and audit the risk consciousness of
主the staff and the occupat
百测师界弱冷ion morals of desalination and s
断下排标防告席孔o on the reas
棉on, the national audit ris
k is increasingly rising t
望rend. This article mainly from the audit risk elements and their relationships to each other, the characteristics of audit risk, project risk, the precaution of audit risk and control in several aspects.

have risk

There are risks ; have risks; be risky; the risk is potential; be in peril
ver put your happiness in someone else’s hand
existence of risk存在风险
exist the risk 希望能帮到你的 英语 英语加油啊 我是英语专业大学生 请采纳