red stone-red stone

编辑整理:整理来源:维基百科,浏览量:62,时间:2022-11-22 07:42:01

red stone,red stone,red stone




red stone



red stone



red stone







Wuhan city, an industrial powerhouse in modern times, is inextricably linked to the manufacturing industry in China.

120 years ago, the first batch of molten steel in Hanyang Iron Works marked the beginning of China’s modern iron and steel industry. After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, a number of manufacturing enterprises such as Wuhan Iron & Steel Corp and Wuhan Heavy Duty Machine Tool Group Corporation, all initialized by the Chinese character “Wu,” have made great contributions to the construction and development of New China.

The God Iron tt Stabilizes Wuhan City

When entering from Parrot Avenue into the Turtle Hill North Road, a narrow trail lined by thick forest unveils in front of us, full of historic flavor.

A faded red stone tablet, engraved the “Solidified Iron made by Hanyang Iron Works" stands beside the road. In the distance, a big “stone” in the shape of a crouching ox lies quietly. Nobody would know tt it was a piece of iron if there were not an inscription of “Solidified Iron” and a brief introduction beside it.

This solidified iron is right the “God Iron tt Stabilizes Wuhan City.”

Solidified iron is actually a piece of steel tt has not been smelted and molded completely. Such iron was not a rarity at tt time, but merely a semi-finished product.

In the late Qing Dynasty, Hanyang Iron Works was built on Turtle Hill North Road, guided by Zhang Zhidong, the Viceroy of Huguang (or Governor-General of Hubei and Hunan Provinces and the surrounding areas). At tt time, the factory provided China with iron and steel needed in building railways, forging machinery, implanting military industry, and constructing ships, which accelerated the process of modernization in China. Later, in the Republic of China period, the Beijing Government made a decision to change the rail patterns and forms-all the steel rails produced by Hanyang Iron Works had been scrapped and production was delayed. In October of 1924, the 3rd blast furnace ended its smelting process, and the factory finally stopped its production completely.

The huge piece of iron, about 3 meters high and 4 meters in diameter, is a genuine ingot. It weighs more than 200 tons and is equivalent to a total weight of more than 400,000 bottles of mineral water at 500 ml each. It is an important witness to both the development of Hanyang Iron Works and modern Chinese industry.

On the night of September 2, 1923, the 4th blast furnace stopped smelting due to the collapse of its wall. A furnace of molten iron was left and gradually cooled and solidified, forming a concrete piece, which was thence known as the “Solidified Iron made by Hanyang Iron Works.” On September 2, 2007, on the occasion of its 84th birthday, it was officially recognized as the “God Iron tt Stabilizes Wuhan City.”

The “God Iron” weighing 200 tons, with almost a 70% content of iron, is an invaluable asset. At tt time, experts estimated tt, even scrapped iron of such weight could be worth 400,000 yuan. And if its cultural value is considered, no one could be sure of its exact value.

At the end of 2007, the Construction Bureau of Hanyang District built a small memorial park of concrete iron on Turtle Hill North Road. By setting up a sunken square around it and placing a stone tablet named “Solidified Iron,” the “God Iron” peacefully stands there like an old lady, waiting for people to sightsee and feel her aged face.





千湖之美|步东湖绿道 品湖光神韵


【red stone】【red stone】【red stone】
red stone-red stone完!


red stone-red stone

red stone,red stone,red stone

作者:整理来源:维基百科,时间:2022-11-22 07:42,浏览:63


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