
编辑整理:整理来源:油管,浏览量:116,时间:2023-03-13 07:45:02



补充知识:It may be in the CSS, see if a poition:fixed property is attached to the CSS controlling placement of tt object. quot;fixed quot; keeps certain elements stuck in one place: An element with fixed position is positioned relative to the browser window.It will not move even if the window is scrolled: just dump the fixed for static, or relative. static is the default when no property is assigned. I\'m guessing tt may be wt your asking Example p.pos_fixed{position:fixed;top:30px;right:5px;}

Thank you Steve. You are spot-on - it works great. As I\'m new to Wordpress, I had not realised there was a facility to edit the plugin php. I had been looking through all the other the CSS and the php pages and, obviously could not find the code. Many thanks Will
You\'re going to have to edit the actual plugin file. Keep in mind tt this will probably break the next time you update the plugin, so keep a note somewhere as to wt you did. On line 349 of jquery-page-peel.php, change \'fixed\' to \'static\'. Tt\'s all there is to it. The peel will now scroll with the page.






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