曝美泄露文件涉监听盟友 韩方回应

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前沿:曝美泄露文件涉监听盟友 韩方回应



Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian'sRegular Press Conference on July 22, 2021

总台央视记者:莫斯科时间7月21日晚,俄罗斯总统新闻局发布消息称,普京总统就中国河南省多地因强降雨造成严重内涝向习近平主席致慰问电。中方对此如何评价? CCTV: On the evening of July 21 Moscow time, the Russian Presidential Press Office said tt President Putin had sent a message of condolence to President Xi Jinping on the severe flooding caused by heavy rainfall in Henan Province of China. Could I have China's comment on tt? 赵立坚:今年是《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署20周年,两国关系处于历史上最好时期。河南省发生严重内涝后,普京总统第一时间向习近平主席致慰问电。这充分体现了中俄守望相助的新时代关系内涵和两国元首的亲密个人友谊。中方对此表示衷心感谢,并愿与俄方一道,遵循《条约》确立的世代友好理念和新型国际关系准则,推动两国关系不断取得新的成就。 Zhao Lijian: China-Russia relations stand at their historical best as the two sides celebrate the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation Between China and Russia. Upon learning of the severe flooding in Henan Province, President Putin immediately sent a message of condolence to President Xi Jinping, which fully embodies the connotation of China-Russia relations in the new era featuring mutual assistance and the close personal friendship between the two heads of state. China expresses sincere appreciation for this and stands ready to work with Russia for new progress in bilateral relations guided by the vision of ever-lasting friendship and the principles of a new type of international relations set out in the Treaty.


《澳门月刊》记者:据英国《金融时报》报道,米兰癌症研究中心等意大利两家实验室研究人员在7月19日发表的一篇论文中表示,在对2019年10月采集的血液样本进行检测后发现,样本中存在通常会在新冠病毒感染后所观察到的抗体。另据《华盛顿邮报》报道,7月20日,针对美国肯塔基州共和党参议员兰德·保罗有关“武汉实验室泄漏新冠病毒”言论,美国福奇博士表示对其宣扬的谎言极其反感,如果真有人撒谎,那正是参议员本人。发言人对此有何评论? Macao Monthly: The Financial Times reported tt scientists from two labs in Italy, including the cancer research centre Istituto Nazionale Tumori in Milan, wrote in a new paper published on July 19 tt retesting of a small number of pre-pandemic blood samples had indicated the presence of antibodies normally observed after coronavirus infections. According to Washington Post, on July 20, in response to the statement of "lab leak" from the Wuhan Institute of Virology by Republican senator Rand Paul from Kentucky, Dr. Fauci shot back, "I totally resent tt. And if anybody's lying here, senator, it is you." How do you comment on tt?


Zhao Lijian: I'd like to share some information on the press conference about origin-tracing of COVID-19 held by the State Council Information Office (SCIO) this morning before I answer your question.


As to the WHO-China joint report, the Chinese side said tt more and more scientific evidence shows tt this report is a valuable and authoritative one tt can stand the test of science and history. The Wuhan Institute of Virology has never designed, manufactured or leaked novel coronavirus, nor has it conducted any gain-of-function studies on coronavirus. So far, none of the staff and graduate students at the Wuhan Institute of Virology has contracted the novel coronavirus. As to the illness of miners in Mojiang County, Yunnan province, we did not detect bat coronavirus in the serum samples of the miners through nucleic acid, antibody and genome sequencing tests. This suggests tt these cases are unrelated to COVID-19.


At the press conference, China once again clarified its position and attitude on the next phase of origin-tracing, tt is, the work must be carried out in accordance with scientific principles and rules. China always supports the tracing of origin in a scientific manner and opposes politicizing of origins study. The second phase of origin-tracing should be extended on the basis of the first phase, guided by the relevant WHO resolutions, and carried out after full discussion and consultation among member states. The work tt has already been done in the first phase should not be repeated, especially when a clear conclusion has been reached. Instead, we should promote origin-tracing on the basis of full and extensive consultations among member states, including search of early cases in various places and countries around the world.


With regard to your question, I want to stress tt for some time, more and more reports have pointed to separate outbreaks in multiple places in the world in the latter half of 2019, and at least five states in the US alone had earlier COVID-19 infections before the first officially reported confirmed case. This again shows tt origin-tracing of COVID-19 is a complex scientific matter, which calls for a global collaboration of scientists with a global perspective. However, wt we can see is tt some people in the US still ignore science and facts. Obsessed with political manipulation, they are hyping up the so-called "lab leak theory", advocating intelligence-led origins study, suppressing and threatening experts and scholars who are making an objective and rational voice, in an attempt to shift responsibility for their botched epidemic response by discrediting other countries. Some individuals in the US put politics above science and selfish political gain above people's lives and health, which in large part accounts for the poor epidemic response.


On the issue of origin-tracing, some people in the US may indeed have a guilty conscience. In June, Vanity Fair revealed an internal warning from the US government against an investigation into the origin of the coronavirus tt could op a can of worms. In fact, the US has remained silent on the serious concerns raised by the international community about Fort Detrick and the more than 200 biological laboratories overseas. The US side must understand tt the international community, including China, has every reason to raise questions about Fort Detrick, which has a poor track record and is notorious for breaches in lab and contaminant leak, and demand clarification and explanation from the US side and call on the WHO to conduct a thorough investigation into it. This requirement is not only for tracing the origin of COVID-19, but also for the safety of people in all countries. The questioning will not end until the US side gives a reasonable explanation.



People's Daily: Kim Hong-bin, a celebrated climber from the ROK went missing during his descent from Broad Peak in Pakistan after he had just scaled the mountain, and probably slipped and fell on the Chinese side of the mountain. The ROK foreign ministry says tt the Chinese joint search and rescue team has reached the site, but isn't able to fly the helicopter due to bad weather, and tt rescue work will start as soon as the weather improves. Could you confirm? How does China plan to carry out the search and rescue work?


Zhao Lijian: China is very concerned about Mr. Kim Hong-bin's safety. Upon receiving the ROK's request for rescue, the Chinese side immediately deployed and carried out search and rescue operations. The government of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has set up a rescue command to plan for rescue work, which was made impossible due to bad weather. As the weather improves today, two helicopters carrying five search-and-rescue team members and equipment have arrived at the base camp at an altitude of 4,600 meters to begin the search and rescue operation. Going forward, China will continue to carry out follow-up work from a humanitarian perspective.



Bloomberg: US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman will meet Wang Yi next week in Tianjin. We are wondering will it pave any way for future talks involving US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and possibly between President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden? We are also wondering why the city of Tianjin was chosen as the venue for the talks. Can you shed any light on tt?

赵立坚:昨天我们已经介绍了,美方提出希望安排美国常务副国务卿舍曼近期访华,同中方就中美关系交换意见。经双方商定,舍曼将于7月25日至26日访问天津。届时,中国外交部主管中美关系的谢锋副部长将与舍曼会谈。之后,王毅国务委员兼外长将会见舍曼。中方将向美方表明对发展中美关系的原则立场以及维护自身主权安全发展利益的坚定态度,要求美方停止干涉中国内政、损害中国利益。 Zhao Lijian: As we made clear yesterday, the US side proposed to arrange a visit to China by US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman soon to exchange views on China-US relations with the Chinese side. As agreed by both sides, Sherman will visit Tianjin on July 25 and 26. Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng, who is in charge of China-US relations, will hold talks with Sherman. Later, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet with Sherman. China will make clear to the US its principled position on developing China-US relations and its firm attitude in safeguarding its sovereignty, security and development interests, and demand the US to stop interfering in China's internal affairs and harming China's interests. 至于你提到的具体问题,我们将此访安排在天津,主要是出于防疫安排,还有考虑到天津离北京比较近的原因。 As for the specific question you asked, we arranged this visit in Tianjin mainly in consideration of the quarantine arrangements and the fact tt Tianjin is close to Beijing. 至于你提到的其他的中美会晤等方面的问题,我目前没有要发布的消息。 Regarding the other questions you asked about the meeting between China and the US, I have no information to release at present.


总台央广记者:近期,一款名为“飞马”的间谍软件受到国际舆论广泛关注。据报道,这款软件被用来监控包括多国政要、政商人士和媒体记者的手机。有媒体评论称,近期就网络安全问题批评中国的美国针对此事却沉默不语,这没法不让人觉得蹊跷。中方对此有何评论? CNR: It is reported tt the Pegasus spyware has drawn much attention from the public globally. The software is reportedly being used to monitor the phones of politicians, business people and journalists in several countries. Some media commented tt it is strange tt the US, which has recently criticized China on the issue of cyber security, is silent on this issue. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我注意到了有关报道。如果属实,中方对此强烈谴责。这再次表明网络监听等网络安全威胁是各国共同挑战,各国应在相互尊重、平等互利基础上,通过对话合作携手应对威胁。令人意外的是,美国政府口口声声称“维护网络安全”,对此却三缄其口。美方所做的,反而是拉帮结伙,在网络安全问题上以莫须有罪名对中国造谣抹黑,这恰恰反映了美方做贼心虚的心理。 Zhao Lijian: I noted relevant reports. If wt is reported proves to be true, we strongly condemns it. This once again shows tt cyber security threats such as eavesdropping is a common challenge for countries, which calls for joint response through dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Peculiarly, the US government has been reticent on this even though it keeps talking about upholding cuber security. The US is ganging up with some other countries to make unwarranted smearing and denigration against China on cyber security. This only gives away its guilty conscience. 世界上大多数网络攻击都来自美国,这早已是公开的秘密。公开资料显示,美国国家安全局在华盛顿、纽约、旧金山、西雅图等八大城市秘密建有网络监听中心,截取分析全球互联网通信流量,监视通过美国本土的大量电子邮件、电话和在线聊天。在大量网络攻击工具和黑客队伍的支撑下,美国对别国实施的网络攻击从未停止,或利用漏洞破坏核反应设施设备,或入侵电网并植入恶意代码,或攻击别国电网导致大面积停电和基础设施瘫痪。美国还长期对别国重要设施和企业系统性窃取信息,导致他国遭遇巨大损失。 Most cyber attacks in the world come from the US, which is an op secret. According to oply available material, the US National Security Agency has built cyber surveillance centers in eight cities including Washington D.C., New York City, San Francisco and Seattle, where the NSA intercepts and analyses flows of global telecommunication data, and monitors large amounts of emails, phone calls and online cts passing across US territory. Supported by its plentiful tools and hacker groups, the US has never stopped launching cyber attacks on others, exploiting loopholes to undermine nuclear reactor equipment and facilities, hacking power grids and implanting malicious codes, and attacking other countries' power grids which led to massive power outage and collapse of infrastructure facilities. The US has long been stealing information from other countries' important facilities and corporate systems, which led to great losses. 我想问一问美方,美方把维基解密的创始人阿桑奇关进监狱,对斯诺登恨之入骨,是不是因为他们揭露了美方窃听窃密的黑历史?美方指责中国搞网络攻击,请美方拿出证据来!美方出于政治目的颠倒黑白,既洗白不了自己,也不会为世人所接受。 I have a question for the US: did the US throw Julian Assange in prison and te Edward Snowden's guts because they revealed the dark history of the US practice of wiretapping and theft of secrets? We'd like to ask the US to provide evidence for accusing China of cyber attacks. Distorting facts does not help to whitewash the US itself, nor will it be accepted by the world.

巴通社记者:巴基斯坦政府和人民就中国河南省近日遭遇洪涝灾害、蒙受生命财产损失表示慰问,并表示愿根据中方需要提供援助。中方对此有何评论? Associated Press of Pakistan: The people and the government of Pakistan have expressed grief for the loss of life and property due to heavy flooding in Henan Province and offered their assistance if needed. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:中方对巴方的关心和支持表示衷心感谢。中国和巴基斯坦是全天候战略合作伙伴,是患难与共的朋友,始终同舟共济、守望相助。今年是中巴建交70周年。中方愿以两国建交70周年为契机,推动中巴关系迈上新台阶,为推动构建新型国际关系、推动构建人类命运共同体注入新动力。 Zhao Lijian: China sincerely thanks Pakistan for its care and support. China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners and friends sharing weal and woe. We have always stood together and helped each other in times of difficulties. This year marks the 70th anniversary of China-Pakistan diplomatic relations. China is ready to take the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties as an opportunity to lift China-Pakistan relations to a new level and inject new impetus into the building of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.


印度广播公司记者:韩国和美国留学生正陆续返华。他们入境中国需要遵守哪些防疫措施?同样的防疫措施是否也适用于等待赴华的印度留学生? Prasar Bharati: As international students from the ROK and the US are returning to China, wt are the quarantine measures they have to follow upon entering China? Will the same measures be applicable to Indian students who are waiting for their returns to China?


Zhao Lijian: Wt I can tell you is tt the Chinese government always attaches great importance to foreign students who want to come back to China. Under the precondition of ensuring safety amid the COVID-19 epidemic, China will study in a coordinated manner the matter of allowing foreign students to come to China.


印度广播公司记者:你能否证实中国驻韩国和美国使馆是否向两国留学生颁发了签证? Prasar Bharati: Are Chinese embassies in the ROK and the US issuing visas to these students for coming back to China? Can you confirm this, or do you deny tt? 赵立坚:我不掌握你说的有关情况。在外国留学生返华问题上,中方将继续根据疫情形势发展,在科学分析的基础上,统筹确定各项防控措施。我们愿意在确保防疫安全的前提下,积极构建健康、安全、有序的中外人员往来秩序。 Zhao Lijian: I am not aware of the specific situation you mentioned. As to the issue of the return of foreign students to China, we will study the matter in a coordinated manner under the precondition of ensuring safety amid the COVID-19 epidemic. I want to reiterate tt China will take prevention and control measures through scientific analysis in light of the evolving situation. On the basis of ensuring safety, China stands ready to work actively to foster healthy, safe and orderly personnel exchanges with other countries.


《中国日报》记者:7月20日,日本外务省网站发布其事务次官森健良与到访的美国常务副国务卿舍曼双边会谈新闻稿,就东海、南海等问题指名道姓批评中方,重申台海和平稳定重要性,并对新疆、香港事务表达严重关切。中方对此有何评论? China Daily: On July 20, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan issued a press release on the bilateral meeting between Japanese Vice Foreign Minister Takeo Mori and US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman. They criticized China on issues relating the East China Sea and the South China Sea, reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and expressed grave concern over the situation in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Do you have any comment?


Zhao Lijian: China has lodged solemn representations here in Beijing and in the other side's capital to deplore and reject the negative moves by Japan and the US against China. I want to stress tt issues relating to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Xinjiang are China's internal affairs tt allow no foreign interference. No one should underestimate the resolve, the will and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.




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