
原创,时间:2023-03-07 13:15:43




Enteral nutrition refers to the nutrition provided to patients through the digestive tract. It is a form of nutrition therapy that is used to provide nutrition to patients who cannot eat or absorb enough nutrients through their normal diet. Enteral nutrition is usually provided through a tube that is inserted into the stomach or small intestine. The tube is connected to a bag of formula that contains all the necessary nutrients for the patient. Enteral nutrition can be used to provide nutrition to patients who are unable to eat due to illness, injury, or surgery. It can also be used to provide nutrition to patients who are unable to absorb nutrients from their normal diet due to digestive disorders.



1. 肠外营养的并发症包括:肝脏损伤、肺部感染、肠道出血、肠道结石、肠道炎症、肠道梗阻、肠道溃疡、肠道瘘管破裂、肠道穿孔、肠道结核、肠道结肠癌、肠道肿瘤、肠道结缔组织病变、肠道营养不良综合征、肠道营养过量综合征、肠道营养缺乏综合征、肠道营养不平衡综合征、肠道营养抗性综合征、肠道营养毒性综合征、肠道营养抗菌素滥用综合征、肠道营养抗凝血药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗炎药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗生素滥用综合征、肠道营养抗病毒药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗肿瘤药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗精神病药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗抑郁药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗癫痫药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗痛风药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗高血压药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗糖尿病药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗心血管疾病药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗肝病药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗肾病药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗肠道病毒药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗肠道细菌药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗肠道真菌药物滥用综合征、肠道营养抗肠道寄



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